Word for 2021

 The Lord spoke from Song of Songs 2:10-15 that:

  1. The season has changed when we crossed over to 2021. The bondage of our barren winter has ended, the season of hiding is over and gone. 
  2. The season of intensifying worship and pruning the vines (singing) has arrived. Our voices in worship and prayer is what He loves and they produce resounding frequencies that angels fulfill and obey.
  3. This is the new day of destiny breaking forth. The early signs of God’s purposes and plans for each one of us are bursting forth. 
  4. There is CHANGE in the air. Particularly, run with God to the high places, the high glory realms that we can revisit or haven’t been before. I believe God says it is high time to come away with Him! He hides us in the cleft of the rock (Ex 33:22) where we hide and rest, He takes us and hides us up high in the secret stairway of the sky. Come away and be speechlessly astounded in the secret of the stairs! 
  5. We are invaluable to Him. He desires us to catch the troubling ‘foxes’ (compromises that are deeply hidden in our hearts that keep us from growing the fruit of the Holy Spirit) that hinder our relationship. We catch them and remove them for Him so as not to ruin what God has planted within us. He says He will do it ‘together with us’. Our part is easy – to yield and allow Him to. He likes to do things together with us and not wanting us struggling on our own. By His redeeming Grace, He makes us to remain as pure as lilies, even more than all others.


  • Multitudes of strong mighty angels have been released in troops to help us last year and more so this year. We are to trust in the Lord with ALL our hearts and lean not on our own understanding, clinging on to Him, immovable, steadfast, looking to Jesus, for His is the Power, His is the Glory! God will be magnified as He shows forth His supernatural Goodness when we choose to ARISE and SHINE by His might and Grace for His glory has already risen on us! Consciously let your creative Light Shine from within out, dispersing all darkness! Let’s SHINE! Position yourself for increased angelic encounters! 
  • Supernatural signs and wonders through the sons of God will be displayed that the world may know Jesus rules and reigns and that He is Lord! Be adamantly and resolutely true to His Word for His Word is Truth! Believe and act on His Word alone, not in popular perceived facts and ideas and as surely as the sun rises in the east, His Word will come to pass and carry you through from victory to victory!